Welcome to our website! If you are here, it means you are looking for your photos and videos. Yes, you can book.


Standard photo package  

  • Cost: $100 (Early bird discount) / $180 (Standard rate, applicable on or after the show)
  • Details: Get all your high-resolution stage photos. This package includes individual routines (5-100 pics), comparisons (5-25 pics), and awards (2-3 pics). You will receive them within 5-7 days of the show, a downloadable link will be sent directly to your email.
  • Note: Valid for one division and encompasses all classes. No retouching. Please allow up to 1 week for delivery. The download link will be sent via email

📸🎥 WEST COAST CLASSIC 📸🎥. Photo & Video Production Studio #1


If you have already purchased the standard video package, you can upgrade your package at check ins. 

Horizontal Video Package

  • Order 4K Horizontal Stage Videos
  • Cost: $150 (Early bird discount) / $250 (Standard rate, applicable on or after the show)
  • Details: Receive 1 or 2 static horizontal 4K videos capturing your individual routines from the center stage.
  • Note: Applicable to performances from one division only.

Vertical Video Package

  • Order Vertical Reel
  • Cost: $200 (Early bird discount) / $300 (Standard rate, applicable on of after the show)
  • Details: Obtain one edited vertical video of your final routines, plus 1 or 2 static horizontal videos from the same division, tailored for your Social Media.
  • Note: Applicable to performances from one division only.

Full Video Package

  • Order Vertical Reel + All Horizontal Stage Videos
  • Cost: $250 (Early bird discount) / $350 (Standard rate, applicable on or after the show)
  • Details: Access all your performance videos, which include one edited slow-motion vertical video alongside 3-5 static horizontal 4K videos. These cover your individual routines, comparisons, and award moments, all filmed from the center stage.
  • Note: Valid for one division and encompasses all classes.

Photo and Video package will be send out within 4-7 days after show! 

All purchases are non-refundable.